GPSC STI Consent Form 2024: Last Date 02/12/2024

Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) State Tax Inspector (STI) Class-3 Exam Consent Form 2024

The Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) new chairman Hasmukh Patel announced the new system Consent Form for the upcoming all preliminary exams. State Tax Inspector (STI) consent form are starts now for filling.

A total of 2,34,162 candidates have registered for the GPSC State Tax Inspector, Class-3. As per the present advertisement, the preliminary examination is scheduled to be held on 22/12/2024. 2. Experience has shown that many of the candidates who apply online for the examination are not serious about the examination, and do not even appear in the examination.

GPSC STI Sammati Patrak 2024

Since planning has to be done for the organization of the preliminary examination regarding the number of candidates registered, a very large amount of arrangements have to be made for it. In which examination centers, classrooms, invigilators, supervisors, center directors, etc. are kept busy in large numbers.

Due to the large number of candidates who are absent from the examination, unnecessary expenses are also incurred on all the arrangements made to that extent. The burden of which ultimately falls on the public.

Therefore, if the candidates who do not want to appear for the examination are known in advance and examination arrangements for them are not made, then the examination arrangements for the remaining candidates can be made better.

The benefit of which can ultimately be received by the candidates themselves. Some candidates make more than one online application by making minor changes in their personal details. Therefore, it is necessary to “cancel” the applications of such candidates except one.

State Tax Inspector Consent Form 2024

Thus, considering all the above, the Commission has decided to obtain “Consent to give the examination” from the candidates registered for the present advertisement and the consent form in this regard has been made available on the website

For which the candidate should go to the “OTHER APPLICATION” MENU on the HOME PAGE of the website and click on CONSENT FORM. Then enter your -CONFIRMATION NUMBER” and “BIRTH DATE” and CAPTCHA details and click on the “0” button. Fill the consent form and download the receipt of filling the CONSENT FORM.

Important Dates For STI Consent Form

The consent form for giving the preliminary test of the present advertisement will have to be filled from 17:00 hrs on 25/11/2024 to 10:00 hrs on 02/12/2024. No candidate will be able to fill the consent form for giving the examination after 10:00 hrs on 02/12/2024.

A receipt will be generated for the candidates who have submitted the “Consent Form for Giving the Examination” of the present advertisement online at, which the candidate will have to take a printout of and keep with him.

The online application of the candidates who do not fill this consent form within the stipulated time will be automatically cancelled and such candidates will not be able to download the call letter and will not be able to appear in the examination. Any representations in this regard will not be accepted by the Commission later.

A candidate himself will be able to fill only one consent form. Even if a candidate has applied twice online under the present advertisement and has obtained two information numbers, such a candidate will have to fill only one consent form as mentioned above from any one of the information numbers.

If it is found that a candidate has filled different consent forms for different information numbers under the present advertisement, then such a candidate will be disqualified for competitive examinations of all recruitment organizations in the state of Gujarat.

The consent form for the preliminary examination to be held on 22/12/2024 of the present advertisement can be filled only online at The consent form through any other medium will not be accepted by the Commission.

Apply For STI Consent Form

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