BOB Personal Loan : Bank of Baroda has got you covered with their online personal loan option. If you are already a customer of the bank, the process of getting a loan is easier. You can get a loan of up to Rs 50,000 to Rs 10,00,000 in just few seconds without leaving your home. All you need to do is apply online for a loan from the comfort of your own room.

BOB Personal Loan
To apply for, you must meet certain eligibility criteria. In this article, we have provided you with all the information you need, including how to apply and the required requirements. So, if you meet the eligibility criteria, you can easily submit your application and get the funds you need.
Want to apply for a loan? You can apply both online and in person for BOB Personal Loan. Applying online is quick and convenient and can help you avoid any potential mistakes. You can apply for a loan of up to ₹50,000 to ₹10,00,000 through the online platform.
If you are not comfortable with applying online, you can visit your nearest Bank of Baroda branch to speak to a representative. Either way, Bank of Baroda offers you a quick and easy way to get the funds you need.
Important Details
Loan Name | BOB Personal Loan |
Bank Name | Bank of Baroda |
Loan amount | Rs 50,000/- to Rs 10,00,000/- |
Interest rate | 12.40% to 17.75% |
Loan Repayment Timing | 12 Months to 60 Months |
- Minimum age at the time of loan application- 21 years
- Maximum age at the time of loan tenure 58 years for salaried person 65 years for business/self employed persons
Important Document
- Aadhar Number Connected with mobile number
- Valid Pan Number
- Valid Mobile Number
- Net Banking Credentials or Digital bank Statement for last 6 months
- Web Camera for clicking picture and performing Video KYC
- ITR e-filing Credentials or Digital ITR returns for last 2 year (for self employed)
- GST Portal Credentials or Digital GST returns for last 1 year (for self employed)
Apply Steps
- Click on below link to apply
- Click on “Proceed”
- Enter Mobile Number
- You get OTP
- Enter it
- Fill the online form by giving your registered mobile number and date of birth.
- Select your loan type and amount. Provide required document information.
- Submit the form.
- Your documents will be verified by the system, and if approved, you will receive a loan
- Emergency fund
- Advantage over credit cards
- No strict credit limits
- Pay via cheque,bank transfer or cash
- Extended timelines for repayment
- Flexible usage of funds
- Higher borrowing amount
Personal loans from Bank of Baroda offer a quick and easy solution to all your urgent financial needs and have many advantages over other forms of credit, such as credit cards and informal loans from friends, family members or untrustworthy financiers.
Important Link
Apply For Loan | Click Here |